Lunch (on the go)

April 24, 2015

Low-So Good Microwave Meals and Chips

For a long time, I thought I would never see certain words go together. Like, “good microwave meals.” Or “fast low-sodium food.” That’s because most prepared foods (ramen!) or frozen meals (macaroni!) come with a high sodium price tags. And thus, I always thought that good low-sodium food required stoves and ovens and longer preparation times. Not just a press of a button. But as with all things low-sodium, nothing is impossible. And overtime, I discovered simple ways to make great meals in a microwave. Just using some raw ingredients, some low-so spices, and that magical heating device. Why is that important? Because if you work, […]

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April 17, 2015

10 Ways to A Low-So Good Lunch

One of the biggest challenges for a low-so eaters happens everyday around noon (or 10:30 if you’re like me and you just can’t wait that long). I’m talking about lunch. If you hang out at home, near a kitchen, and a stocked pantry and spice drawer, well then, the only thing standing in your way of a filling afternoon snack is a little bit of time. But if you’re out and about or at work, eating good food suddenly poses a bit of a problem. Grab-and-go meals are a big part of our work culture, whether you actually take the […]

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April 3, 2015

Matzo Bar and Apple Doughnuts

Happy EastOver, everyone! It’s that special time of year when religion, eggs, and chocolate combine. But I love this duo of celebrations for more than an abundance of frittatas, candy, and excuses to gather with friends. I love EastOver because of matzo. Matzo just happens to be one of my favorite low-sodium ingredients.  It generally contains 0mg of sodium. And sometimes, during Passover, you can find flavored matzo (and chocolate matzo!) as well. Although, you can always spice it up on your own. But more specifically, I love matzo because it provides a solution to one of the biggest sodium challenges (which we will […]

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March 17, 2015

Low-So Green Sauces

Pardon the interruption of Salt-Free Salt month. But I though, it being St. Patty’s day and all, I’d bring you something green. Well two things: First, my Low-So Spinach Sauce. And then, my Kale Pesto French Toast. They are both superhero condiments of edible proportions. So let’s start with spinach. I love this sauce not just for it’s velvety texture. Nor its tangy taste. Nor the fact that you can sneak in a whole load of vegetables into your next pasta, salad, or steak dinner. What I love so much about this sauce (or dressing, depending on how you use it) is that it uses spinach. […]

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February 20, 2015

Bacon Spice and Coconut Bacon Bits

We are midway through our month of low-so sausage and low-so bacon, and it’s time to shift our focus from the big bites to the itty bits. I’m talking bacon bits. That crunchy topping that gets sprinkled on top of iceberg lettuce salads, crumbled on top of pastas or deviled eggs, and baked right into the crispy crust of a casserole. Even though they are teeny teeny tiny, these little bits can sure add a lot of sodium to a simple, healthy meal. Like over 200mg per 7g serving (or a few teaspoons). And that’s because bacon bits are (surprise!) mostly made from cured, salted bacon. But you […]

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January 30, 2015

Low-So Boule, Challah, Challah Buns

I love my daughter’s preschool. But there are two stand-out reasons why it has changed my life: 1) they are helping me potty train a toddler and 2) they make fresh challah every Thursday. Not at the same time. As we’ve been discussing all month, bread can seem like a big low-sodium challenge. The store-bought loaves can equal upwards of 200mg per slice. And because we tend to eat a lot of bread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, those numbers can really add up. But with many low-sodium products on the shelves and many more creative low-sodium swaps at your fingertips, you now know how […]

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January 26, 2015

Low-So Bread Swaps

If last week’s baked bow-tie pasta blew your mind, just wait until you see the countless other ways to give favorite bready ingredients a low-sodium makeover. From crackers to breadcrumbs to baguettes, I’ve got you covered with creative low-so stand-ins that will stand up to the original. And satisfy anyone, including salt eaters. Because they’re fun and fresh and way more exciting than, well, white bread. Plus, they’re simply easier to make than a loaf, from-scratch. Which is great for those times when you are in a rush or faced with unexpected guests. Or simply not in the mood to bake. Of course, later this […]

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September 16, 2014

Whole Foods Market Hack Challenge

Yesterday I expressed my love (obsession) for Whole Foods Market. And today, I am going to show you — in great detail and delicious food — exactly why their store rocks my low-sodium world. As a part of the Whole Foods Market Hacks challenge, I was tasked with the task of creating TWO MEALS A DAY to feed the THREE MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY all for $125. Or in other words roughly 42 PLATES OF FOOD FOR $3 DOLLARS EACH. Got that? And let’s be honest, while I keep to a strict low-sodium diet, I do not keep to small (slash: normal) portion sizes. Sometimes I eat steak the size of my […]

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June 13, 2014

Salt-Free Chunky Carrot Dressing

Carrots aren’t just for rabbits. Or dips. Or stews. Or over-steaming in microwaves. Fresh carrots are a thing of beauty. They actually come in a rainbow of colors, which will easily jazz up a raw veggie party platter. And they are pretty much “in season” all year long. Which you can’t say for asparagus or cherries or white pants. Best of all, carrots are higher in natural sodium than most whole ingredients. It charts in at 50mg per large carrot. Seriously. Take a look at a bottle of carrot juice the next time you’re at the market. Which is why they […]

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May 29, 2014

Cauliflower Rice and Corn Salad

Hold your lunch, things are about to change. Forever. I recently discovered the wonders of cauliflower rice, a darling of Paleo, raw, and vegetarian diets alike. And now, a darling of mine too. It’s a super creative solution for grain-free versions of things like sushi rice or couscous tabbouleh. You know, things like that. And while I was skeptical at first, after giving it a cauliflower rice salad try, I’ve become seriously obsessed. Not just because it is easy and surprisingly filling. But also because, once you ‘ve made it, there are so many ways you can use it. And note: even though […]

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