May 13, 2011

College, Kidneys, and Viral Videos

Perhaps you’ve heard of someone named Justin Bieber. He is a teen dream and he is said to be responsible for an international outbreak of Bieber Fever.

Not gonna lie. I caught it.

You may have also heard of Rebecca Black. Although slightly less well known and with no “fever” to her name, she too recently swept the nation with her song “Friday,” in which she “drives” around with her friends and sings (auto-tuned) about how excited she is that it is Friday. I’m already sorry for linking to this video.

But Bieber and Black, watch yourself.

You may both be huge hits on the YouTube, you may have the charming good looks of someone who has not yet gone through puberty, and you may have huge crews that back you up in choreographed dance routines.

But guess what? I’ve got a crew too and a video on YouTube to prove it. And while I don’t even attempt to do the running man, I do talk about Lupus, kidney disease, and living a limitless low sodium life with a lot of energy, hot pictures, and a horrible hair cut.

Kidding aside, it was such an honor to be back at my alma mater, sharing my stories, advice, tips, and even food (that’s right – I made salt-free sushi!) with a group of low sodium warriors.

And if you missed the talk, not only can you watch it here anytime you want (see: video above), but I’ll be speaking as a part of Stanford Hospital’s Health Library lectures again on Wednesday June 22 at 7pm at the Redwood City Public LIbrary. Call (650) 498-7826 to register. It’s free. And I’ll bring more sushi.

As an extra bonus, I’m also very excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at the Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients on May 22nd. Check out their website for more information! And I’ll try to come up with a good dance routine for that appearance as well. Requests welcome.

And finally, I also had the recent honor of guest blogging for one of my favorite websites – Big Girls Small Kitchen – and their sister site – Small Kitchen College. As someone who lived through undergraduate with a host of dietary concerns, I wanted to give current collegiate cuties some helpful tips on how to eat at the cafeteria, snack during finals, and of course, go out on dates without worrying about their dietary needs. Who can bother with food when you’re already stressing over which jeans to wear?

So if you know someone lucky enough to still be in high school or college, and who must keep to a strict meal plan, then please forward these tips along. Click here for the Top Five College Dietary Challenges (and Their Awesome Solutions).

With that, I’m off to enjoy my Friday (slash, work furiously on finishing my book). And I promise, next week will be full of lots and lots of yummy recipes.

We we we so excited.

Chow on.

thedailydish May 13, 2011 at 11:19 am

I watched every minute of your (almost hour-long) video and LOVED IT.

Your charisma and enthusiasm are contagious, SG! Plus you’ve got a rocking Drew Barrymore-esque charm that can’t be beat.

There’s a reason you are the face of low-so, Jess — and you wear it so well.


sodium girl May 16, 2011 at 8:59 am

ha! Thanks, Dishy! You’re the best.

Katie @ Shared Bites May 13, 2011 at 12:11 pm

You are so cute! I’m glad you’re sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm with those impressionable youngsters. Hopefully they learned a thing or two. Good luck at future speaking engagements!

Gina July 20, 2011 at 7:48 am

Inspiring video! When will your cookbook be published?

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