Search: holidays

November 15, 2011

Turkey Talk: Low-Sodium Thanksgiving Tips

Thank goodness for Thanksgiving. Seriously, the best holiday ever. One that is completely centered around gorging yourself silly. Oh, and spending awesome quality time with family and friends too. And parades. Lots of parades. I generally like to spend my Thanksgivings in the comfort of my own home, in the comfort of my pajamas. But often, I’m invited warmly into the homes of others, to share in giving thanks. And eating from their buffet spread. In real people clothes. As someone with very special dietary needs, though, I understand that the idea of eating at someone else’s table can make […]

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October 7, 2011

Welcome to (NEW) Sodium Girl

WELCOME FRIENDS! Welcome, welcome, watermelon salad and welcome! I am so thrilled to finally be able to invite you inside the new Sodium Girl website–feel free to leave your shoes on. And I also can’t wait to tell you about this simple low-sodium, final days of summer salad. But before we get to the arugula, watermelon, and heirloom tomatoes, let me tell you a few things about Sodium Girl’s brand new home. First, we just moved in. There are still a few boxes to unpack and I’m pretty sure I won’t find the good silverware for another year–you know how […]

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September 2, 2011

Kohlrabi Chicken Salad

Here we are on our last day of the kohlrabi adventure. Most of our kohlrabi has been enjoyed in the raw. Or as art. But it’s time we enjoy this green veggie in a sandwich. With some curry and paprika. Some Greek yogurt. A pinch of freshly ground black pepper. Some quinoa (for texture). And of course, juicy chicken thigh. Cooked. I just popped these suckers in the oven at 375 dg F for 45 minutes, until the inside was no longer pink, and mixed it in with the kohlrabi cubes and other ingredients. And in less time than it […]

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July 2, 2011

Gazoontite, America

First thought of the day: when I hear someone say God Bless America, it sounds to me like America is sneezing. And since it has been a pretty rough year for allergies, I think my point here makes even more sense. Second thought of the day (or more of a confession): to celebrate this weekend of freedom (and sneezes), I may or may not have purchased a red, white, and blue one-piece pant suit. True story. But really what we’re here to talk about is not my Claritin or my closet. It’s my kitchen, which is getting a particularly festive […]

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May 4, 2011

Cinco Ways To Celebrate

I don’t really like holidays. I love holidays. And if I can find any reason to celebrate, I will. I relish all opportunities to be with friends, covered in streamers, holding sparklers, and drinking champagne. I’m even considering going full tilt for Boxing Day this year. With lots of decorated boxes. And if you’re questioning my enthusiasm at all, let me tell you this: I’ve been known for creating my own holidays when there are none to be found on the calendar. Like Funuary. My super rad replacement for the less enticing sounding month of “January,” during which every day […]

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January 7, 2011

Small Post, Big News

First, a confession: I recently realized that I am spending too much time in the kitchen when, just the other day, I turned on my broiler and as the oven read “high,” I actually said “hello” back. Yikes. But it turns out that the hours I’ve spent in front of my stove (and the resulting insanity) have not been for naught. In fact, they are really paying off. Because over the holidays, I not only received another notch on my birthday belt (hello, 28!), as well as some much needed massages (thank you, Mochi), but I also nabbed a book deal with […]

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December 23, 2010

Hot Holiday Tamales – Part Dos

Right in time for Christmas Eve (and in advance for New Year’s Day), here is the second part of the low sodium tamale making process – the corn husk wrapping. Get ready to rock and roll up these meaty poppers, and because you’re on the low sodium “good list,” I’ll throw in a few extra dips and sides to give your taste buds something to sing (on high) about. Happy holidays to you and yours, and remember, be merry, by thankful, and be full. Chow on.   PINEAPPLE and CHILI SALSA Ingredients: 1 whole pineapple, cut into 1/4 inch cubes […]

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December 14, 2010

Green Bundles of Joy

For those of you who have read this blog for a while, you know about my tumultuous relationship with bacon. I live for the stuff and as a child, weekends and Sunday mornings (before going to temple – isn’t that ironic) were synonymous with the smell of bacon. Even though I had to give the salty-stuff up, I still find myself craving the crisp bite and smoky flavors that define this breakfast treat and for the past few years, I have been determined to find a low sodium substitute. I even went so far as to try and cure it […]

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November 24, 2010

Low-Sodium Thanksgiving Stuffing

As you probably can tell, I’ve been busy in the kitchen getting ready for tomorrow’s feast. And I can promise, between this family of twelve, the word feast will not be an exaggeration. But before I sign off for the holiday, I wanted to be sure to give one final tip. So let’s talk stuffing. Just because there is broth and bread involved – both ingredients which tend to be commercially produced with loads of sodium – there is no need not to make it. And you also don’t have to spend all day baking your own bread and broth […]

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November 19, 2010

The Bird and the B

With Thanksgiving creeping (ok, barreling) around the corner, it is time to talk about turkey (the bird) and that other b word – brine. Here’s the deal: a lot of poultry, especially around the holidays, is already plumped and brined. So when buying your bird, to make sure it is absolutely as low in sodium as possible, you have to do a little research. The best option is to shop at a butcher or at stores like Whole Foods, which can provide in-depth information about their meat products and the farms on which they are raised. You can explain your […]

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