April 17, 2015

10 Ways to A Low-So Good Lunch

One of the biggest challenges for a low-so eaters happens everyday around noon (or 10:30 if you’re like me and you just can’t wait that long). I’m talking about lunch. If you hang out at home, near a kitchen, and a stocked pantry and spice drawer, well then, the only thing standing in your way of a filling afternoon snack is a little bit of time. But if you’re out and about or at work, eating good food suddenly poses a bit of a problem. Grab-and-go meals are a big part of our work culture, whether you actually take the […]

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April 3, 2015

Matzo Bar and Apple Doughnuts

Happy EastOver, everyone! It’s that special time of year when religion, eggs, and chocolate combine. But I love this duo of celebrations for more than an abundance of frittatas, candy, and excuses to gather with friends. I love EastOver because of matzo. Matzo just happens to be one of my favorite low-sodium ingredients.  It generally contains 0mg of sodium. And sometimes, during Passover, you can find flavored matzo (and chocolate matzo!) as well. Although, you can always spice it up on your own. But more specifically, I love matzo because it provides a solution to one of the biggest sodium challenges (which we will […]

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March 20, 2015

Salternatives and Mushroom Spice Streusel

Did you know that this week is actually, officially #saltawareness week? It is!  And you’re already steps ahead with the amazing SALTERNATIVES we’ve been exploring that boost the natural flavor of your food and wow all your friends. At the same time. No shaker necessary. Before we get to a quick collage of our favorite salt-free salt swaps, lets also just take a moment to review the difference between salt and sodium. Because they are not the same thing. Table salt contains 40% sodium and 60% chloride. And while we generally think of the salt shaker as the only source of sodium, sodium also exists in most whole foods, from cantaloupe to eggs. […]

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March 17, 2015

Low-So Green Sauces

Pardon the interruption of Salt-Free Salt month. But I though, it being St. Patty’s day and all, I’d bring you something green. Well two things: First, my Low-So Spinach Sauce. And then, my Kale Pesto French Toast. They are both superhero condiments of edible proportions. So let’s start with spinach. I love this sauce not just for it’s velvety texture. Nor its tangy taste. Nor the fact that you can sneak in a whole load of vegetables into your next pasta, salad, or steak dinner. What I love so much about this sauce (or dressing, depending on how you use it) is that it uses spinach. […]

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March 13, 2015

The New Salt: Lentil Dust

Last week I promised salt-free salt. So let’s get to it already. What is salt-free salt? Salt-free salt is not an herb, fresh and dried. Or any of the spices you find on the rack. Which are all great (GREAT!) alternatives to using salt. But here’s the technical definition of a salt-free salt: It is a magical powder consisting of unusual ingredients, pulverized into a powder that then gets used to make your taste buds do a high kick. It wakes up the other ingredients in the dish. They may add texture, umami, and most definitely will make your brain […]

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March 6, 2015

Salt-Free Salt and Lamb Jam

This month we are going to cover yet another seemingly impossible sodium challenge: salt. Yup. Salt. Because when it comes to  a truly low-so good diet, if you simply take out the salt, you will still find yourself longing for it. And that’s why you cannot just remove it from your life and diet and favorite roast beef recipe; you have to replace it. I’m not the only one saying so. The recommendations for the new 2015 Dietary Guidelines (coming later this year) actually highlight this very essential fact as well — i.e. putting emphasis on replacement versus removal — and make a few […]

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February 27, 2015

Cauliflower Chorizo and Pork Chorizo

We are at the very end of our low-so bacon and sausage month. And what better way to celebrate another four weeks of incredible low-so-good makeovers than to make chorizo two ways. One with traditional pork. And the second with mind-blowing cauliflower. BOOM. But before we get to the recipes, let me say a few words about what we learned this past February. We learned that making salt-free bacon is not only possible, but really easy. We learned that making salt-free sausage at home is not only possible, but again, really easy. And we learned that with the right salt-free spices and […]

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February 20, 2015

Bacon Spice and Coconut Bacon Bits

We are midway through our month of low-so sausage and low-so bacon, and it’s time to shift our focus from the big bites to the itty bits. I’m talking bacon bits. That crunchy topping that gets sprinkled on top of iceberg lettuce salads, crumbled on top of pastas or deviled eggs, and baked right into the crispy crust of a casserole. Even though they are teeny teeny tiny, these little bits can sure add a lot of sodium to a simple, healthy meal. Like over 200mg per 7g serving (or a few teaspoons). And that’s because bacon bits are (surprise!) mostly made from cured, salted bacon. But you […]

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February 13, 2015

Low-Sodium Homemade Sausage

Two things stand between your love of sausage and your low-so diet. One, the salted casings and two, the salty brines or cures or just plain salt used in the stuffing. So pretty much, the whole shebang. But hold up. Because there are a few, easy, non-salty solutions to this sausage dilemma. Meaning, yes, you can still enjoy your sausage fix by making it at home. Without the salt. And with a ton of flavor. The first step is to make fresh sausage versus cured (or “hard”) sausage. This basically means you will use fresh meat, grind it, stuff, it and, then […]

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February 6, 2015

Salt-Free Bacon And Bacon Hacks

Happy Heart Health Month everyone! This February, let’s take the time to take care of ourselves, whether that means exercising more, sleeping in a bit, meditating a few mornings a week, or eating bacon. What? Yeah, I said bacon. SALT-FREE BACON. That you make, on your own, with fresh ingredients and spices. In an hour or so. In your own kitchen. I grew up on bacon. Bacon for breakfast, bacon in sandwiches. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon. I love bacon. But when it comes to heart health, bacon does not often love you back. High in calories, fat, and yes, sodium, bacon often […]

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