Lunch (on the go)

January 19, 2012

How To Sex-Up That Salad

As you may have noticed, this month we have been tackling the most difficult challenge for low-sodium eaters: Lunch. And as you may have already experienced in your own low-sodium adventures, finding something to eat during this middle meal of the day often leads to one thing: Salt-free, dressing-less salads. Which, in my opinion, are like the carnations of the food world. Technically a part of the edible kingdom, but pretty much the last item on an actual menu that you’d want to order. (Sorry, but it’s true). Turns out, undressed salads aren’t all that sexy. And while you can […]

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January 12, 2012

Low-Sodium Microwaveable Lunch Challenge, #2

It’s chilly. Which means it is time to make chili. And while I am quite devoted to my black and red beans, I thought these blustery days deserved something a little lighter. A little whiter. So I traded the darker hues for some creamy Cannellini (or butter beans). But just because the beans are pale doesn’t mean the dish has to be colorless. So I added yellow corn, green jalapenos, red onion, red tomato, yellow and purple potatoes, and some matchstick zucchini and orange carrots. All of this could easily go in a pot, with a little water, to steam […]

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January 10, 2012

Low-Sodium Microwaveable Lunch Challenge

Wouldn’t it be extraordinary to simply unpack a pre-made meal from its cardboard box. Rip off the plastic. Throw it in the microwave. And have your lunch ready and hot in minutes? That would be nice. But on a low-sodium diet, these “open and heat” dishes are filled with sodium (not to mention other non-food unmentionables). So to stick to the diet, one must either (a) quit your job and work and cook from home or (b) bring leftovers with you for your noon-time chow fest. I’ve tried both. And while working from home definitely lets me (over)feed myself great […]

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October 14, 2011

Low-Sodium Collard Sandwich Wrap

It usually starts with a big flappy sheet of lavash or a soft tortilla. Those flat, towel-like breads that so easily twist and snuggle around your sandwich fillings. And while I’ve bought salt-free lavash and no-sodium corn tortillas before, they are either special grocery store items that only show up once in a while (lavash) or they tend to crack and break apart when you roll them (tortilla). Which means a sturdy, low-sodium sandwich wrap is difficult to make for a simple Wednesday lunch. Le sigh. But you didn’t think I was going to give up that easily, did you? […]

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June 20, 2011

Salt and Stove-Free Pasta

Hi! What did you do this weekend? I set my oven on fire. Yeah. I really did. I meant to make chips. I made a huge mess instead. And I’m pretty sure I’m inhaling tons of chemicals as I’m writing this. If anyone has advice on cleaning this thing out, please let me know. But let’s talk about something with less charcoal flavor and more taste. While my range is taking a brief vacation, I started to think about no-cook meals. Ways that I could eat food full of vitamins and flavor without using any kind of flame. And that’s […]

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January 19, 2011

The Simplest Recipe

As a low sodium eater, lunch is the most difficult meal of the day, especially when you are constantly on-the-go. Most people eat lunch out, during a busy work day or while ticking off a long list of errands. And for the salty population, there is a plethora of options to choose from: an overflowing turkey sandwich, a bowl of hot chicken soup, or even a slice (or two) of pizza ordered by the office. But for us, the salt-less crusaders, choices are slim: steamed white rice from the local chinese take-out, a create-your-own salad bar, or maybe the occasional […]

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January 5, 2011

Ganoush is the New Guacamole

Move over guacamole, there is a new boy in town. (Don’t worry, this is only for dramatics. I could never really lose my love for a creamy avocado). But for those dinner parties and friendly gatherings that need a little extra class and sass, the hot new dish is ganoush – babaganoush – and it is taking all the chips. A few years ago, I discovered a very purple and very low sodium spread at the San Francisco Ferry Building Farmer’s Market. It turned out to be a delectable babaganoush that was bursting with flavor. As I licked my tasting […]

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April 15, 2010

The First Supper

After five days of the pre-surgery, liquid-only meal plan, I was finally allowed to dig into something hearty that did not come served in a mug.  I love you broth, but it was time to move on. Since I was still in recovery mode, my first meal out of the gate had to be something mild and delicate.  Nothing with too much fiber or spice.  But bland just isn’t in my vocabulary. So, even though the recipe I had in mind was somewhat colorless, I wanted to make sure it still had flavor. In the fridge, I had some leftover […]

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April 9, 2010

Pack Up Your Picnic

As we head into the weekend – that is hopefully filled with sunshine and lawn games – I wanted to sign off with a perfect picnic recipe for curried chicken salad.  There is something about the cool temperature of the chicken mixed with the flavorful heat of the curry that screams summer.  Or at least whispers spring. And what really makes this dish a favorite is the balance between the creamy mayo and other crisp ingredients. But mayonnaise, the key ingredient, usually hovers around 100mg of sodium per tablespoon, and this recipe often doesn’t make the low sodium cut. Boy’s […]

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March 30, 2010

Hi Ho Hummus

As we continue our journey through Moroccan cuisine, there is one Mediterranean staple that cannot be left off the menu: hummus and pita bread. Lucky for my blogger friends and I, the ladies from Farm & A Frying Pan whipped up a mean batch of both. Now, if you are anything like me, you have tried to make hummus many times.  Whether you decide to eat it as dip or slather on a sandwich, hummus is the perfect quick fix for a lunch or pot luck party. And with five simple ingredients – chickpeas, lemon, tahini, garlic, and parsley – […]

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