
May 25, 2012

Low-Sodium Labor (slash, Memorial) Day & Baked Garbanzos

(Before you read, be warned: this post mentions Labor Day many times which, as you may have noticed, should actually be Memorial Day. But because I believe in embracing mistakes, I’m leaving it. So please, enjoy. Even if it’s a few months early) Do you know why we celebrate Labor Day? Neither do I. But I do know that I love three day weekends, especially those filled with picnics, potlucks, and BBQs. So here’s a recipe for a crispy snacketizer — salt-free’d from Heidi Swanson’s Super Natural Everyday vegetarian food bible –which will keep you and your friends satisfied between […]

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May 3, 2012

Thank You Krispies

Sometimes you want to say thank you but words just don’t seem to cover it. And for those times when you can’t muster up the right verbs and nouns and adjectives and conjunctions to show your gratitude, all you need is sodium-free marshmallows, wheat cornflakes, dried blueberries, and coconut oil. A baking sheet and parchment paper will also prove quite helpful. A few moments of melting followed by thirty minutes or so of setting and you have an edible gesture of appreciation (a.k.a. low-sodium krispy treats). With all the gooey decadence of the original recipe, without any of the sodium, […]

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April 23, 2012

Low-Sodium Kimchi Umami Burger

Did you ever think you’d see all those words together in the same sentence? Well believe it. Because it’s here. The low-sodium, salt-free kimchi umami burger. A creation that takes any notion that low-sodium food has to be tasteless and boring and gives it a karate chop in the pants. But let’s back up. Because I can’t take complete credit for this tower of power. Although I did make everything — from the buns to the BBQ ketchup — by hand. Just for the record. Before these burgers landed in my kitchen, their journey began in LA, where one dude […]

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April 12, 2012

Low-So NOJO Avocado Salad

Picture this: The dim light of bulbs and moon beams bounces off the recently rained streets of San Francisco’s cultural axis point: Hayes Valley. And tucked away from post-Symphony rush hour and late-night staples sits NOJO, a Japanese restaurant that makes traditional cuisine with careful hands. But no California rolls. Meaning “farm,” Nojo combines the art of yakitori (things on sticks) with izakaya (traditional bar food) and of course, fresh local ingredients. Like crisp asparagus topped with pink easter radishes and a hen-fresh egg. Or chewy duck neck sprinkled with the chef’s personal stash home-dried and crushed cayenne pepper. An […]

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February 2, 2012

Low-Sodium Super Bowl

I apologize for the brevity of this post. But as I run out the door, hair half-dried, sweater half-on, I wanted to make sure you were prepped and ready for the big game on Sunday. Of course, there are all my old super bowl favorites, which can be found here on this newish nifty site, Pinterest. But I also wanted to pass on a few tips for you to add a low-sodium, flavorful twist to other classic Super Bowl favorites. The first, hot wings. And not just any hot wings. Mandarin Orange Hot Wings. We’re talking sweet and spicy and […]

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October 7, 2011

Welcome to (NEW) Sodium Girl

WELCOME FRIENDS! Welcome, welcome, watermelon salad and welcome! I am so thrilled to finally be able to invite you inside the new Sodium Girl website–feel free to leave your shoes on. And I also can’t wait to tell you about this simple low-sodium, final days of summer salad. But before we get to the arugula, watermelon, and heirloom tomatoes, let me tell you a few things about Sodium Girl’s brand new home. First, we just moved in. There are still a few boxes to unpack and I’m pretty sure I won’t find the good silverware for another year–you know how […]

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August 31, 2011

Kohl Slaw

It’s officially day two of the kohlrabi fest and today, we’re mixing up something quick and simple: Kohl Slaw. It’s raw, it’s juicy, it’s full of flavor, and no salt. And this would be a stellar dish to bring to any potluck or BBQ you plan to attend this weekend. You only need two bulbs of kohlrabi, two pears, an orange, and maybe a little spice to feed a whole army. Of eight or ten people. So get this low-sodium kohl slaw marinating and chow on. Ingredients 2 kohlrabi bulbs, antenna and bottom rough spot removed 2 pears Juice from […]

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July 21, 2011

Pickled Chard Stalks, Rainbow Style

Oh hi. Remember that garden I told you about a few months ago. The one that made my heart burst (in a good way)? That looked out to the gorgeous city skyline? That was a mere, dirt-filled twinkle in my eye? Yep, that’s the garden. Well, only a few months later, our little plot is full to the brim. With squash, eggplant, budding asparagus, walking stick kale, monsterous amounts of collard greens, a splash of herbs, and you guessed it, tons of rainbow chard. But a funny thing happened. Not funny haha, but funny as in we had maggots crawling […]

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July 20, 2011

Seven Layer Salad

Sometimes, food is good just because it looks cool. Like bagel bites and chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs. Or noodles made of zucchini. Or bananas flambe. Which is fruit on fire. So when it comes to jazzing up the basics, a simple twist in the presentation goes a long way. And the next time you think of salads, forgetting about mixing and tossing, and try some layers. This lovely bowl had stripes of chopped red onion, fennel, apple, raw asparagus coins, fresh dill, green onions, cherry tomatoes (heirloom of course), avocado, a twist of lime, a drizzle of vinegar and […]

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March 4, 2011

Salt-Free Ranch Revealed

Ok. Now I know how my parents felt when my brother and I begged for a puppy. After weeks of being told “no” and that “just because” is a perfectly acceptable answer, they finally caved in. And Snickers, our cocker spaniel that eventually went blind and deaf but was a cuddle bug all the same, was eventually welcomed to the family. Arm, twisted. So after weeks of receiving wonderful emails from you all, requesting the ingredients for the secret low sodium ranch dressing – that I was going to save for the book – I just couldn’t resist any longer. […]

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