Resto Recs

April 12, 2012

Low-So NOJO Avocado Salad

Picture this: The dim light of bulbs and moon beams bounces off the recently rained streets of San Francisco’s cultural axis point: Hayes Valley. And tucked away from post-Symphony rush hour and late-night staples sits NOJO, a Japanese restaurant that makes traditional cuisine with careful hands. But no California rolls. Meaning “farm,” Nojo combines the art of yakitori (things on sticks) with izakaya (traditional bar food) and of course, fresh local ingredients. Like crisp asparagus topped with pink easter radishes and a hen-fresh egg. Or chewy duck neck sprinkled with the chef’s personal stash home-dried and crushed cayenne pepper. An […]

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January 13, 2012

Low-So January Week 2: Chelsea Dines Out

Doesn’t that dish look succulent? Rich with colors and juices and, hey, even a side of gravy? This is a meal worth talking about long after the food is gone. And that gravy boat has been emptied. (Straw please?) And believe it or not, this beautiful plate is completely salt-free and low-sodium. Yeah, I kid you not. Thanks to Chris Consentino at Incanto restaurant, I’ve been eating this good at his table for almost four years. The king of salty pig parts himself has happily (and successfully) prepared intricate low-sodium meals for me anytime I show up on his door step. […]

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October 31, 2011

Salt-Free Fries To-Go

Pardon my grease, but I just couldn’t wait to share this with you. I’m shocked it has taken me so long to post on this as I’ve already exposed my obsession with french fries (only to be rivaled by fried chicken). But today’s the day. I give you In N’ Out fries. No salt. Yes. It is true. Believe your eyes. Because I’ve been eating these oil fried sticks of joy since I was diagnosed with kidney failure. And yes, I know oiled fried sticks of joy are not the healthiest food one should be eating. Especially when said person […]

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October 25, 2011

Low-Sodium Dining Card

Around these parts, when you ask, you shall receive. So behold. The laminated low-sodium dining card. It’s pretty small, a 5 by 5-inch square. Which is, of course, laminated thanks to my laminating-loving mother. It fits effortlessly into my purse or work bag. And is so greatly appreciated by kitchens across America and abroad. I have it translated in Italian, Thai, French, and Spanish for effortless travel eating. While it clearly states the things I cannot eat–emphasizing often overlooked sodium offenders like the dreaded salt-water boil–it also importantly outlines all the ingredients the kitchen can use. This is how I […]

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October 4, 2011

Salt-Free Radish Sushi

Before I say anything else, let me tell you that I just ate some rice doused in Dave’s Total Insanity Hot Sauce (0mg of sodium). And they seriously aren’t lying in their marketing. This is total insanity. I overdoused. And now I think I’ve permanently scarred my mouth. Or, less melodramatically, I’ve definitely started sweating profusely in public. But moving on. Speaking of insanity, I experienced another form of this emotion (less burning) a few weeks ago at Bar Agricole here in the good old Bay Area. And while I can hardly remember the meal they so carefully crafted for me […]

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September 14, 2011

Front Porch Fried Chicken

I had to take a break from the doughnut pan for a quick second, because last week I was served a bucket of salt-free fried chicken. I have a serious love for fried chicken. I think we’ve talked about it before, but in case I wasn’t clear, let me just reiterate the depth of my affection for this Southern comfort food: there are few things I love more than fried chicken. And this is not an exaggeration. If I could only take one thing with me to a deserted island, it would be fried chicken. If I could only wear […]

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April 15, 2011

Friendly Emails and Falafels

Some people aren’t afraid to ask for things. You know who I’m talking about. That person who sends you their holiday wish list in May. That roommate who always seems to be too busy to pick up their own dry cleaning. And that friend who always orders the BLT sandwich but then requests that the lettuce be switched out for spinach, the tomato be served on the side, and the bacon be replaced by a freshly butchered and fried chicken. No bread, of course. You know those people. I know those people. And I definitely don’t judge them. I just […]

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March 28, 2011

Always Use a Condiment

One of my favorite questions to ask people is, if they could only have one condiment for the rest of their life, what would it be? Mine is honey mustard. Obviously. Luckily, though, there hasn’t been a condiment shortage in the world, quite yet. And thanks to one of my favorite restaurants in town – Frjtz – choices aren’t limited, they are extensive. I love Frjtz not just because of their perfectly crispy french fries, which they make salt-free. But mainly because of their large menu list of condiments. They are loaded with salt. But they are also inspriring. Thai […]

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October 8, 2010

Unusual Pearings

I had the pleasure of low sodium lunching yesterday at the always creative, always delicious Boulette’s Larder. With a table outside, ferry boats pulling into harbor, and Blue Angels soaring overhead, it was the most idyllic setting imaginable. And not to be outdone, the food was equally mind-blowing. What I love most about Boulette’s Larder is that head chef and owner, Amaryll Schwertner, truly celebrates ingredients in their most simple form. Dishes are not spectacular because of foams or foie gras or some other form of culinary acrobatics. They food is good – no, it’s great – because she matches […]

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September 27, 2010

Counter Talk

It’s funny how restaurants treat sitting at the counter like a second-class experience – Don’t have reservations? Well, we can seat you at the counter, if you’d like? – but the reality is that counter seating is the hottest spot in the house, especially if you are dealing with low sodium needs or any dietary restriction. Because when you sit at the counter, you have direct access to the kitchen, which means direct translation to really great, low sodium cuisine. For example, sushi. Thank goodness for fresh, sauce-free slices of sashimi, or else I would be banned from the many […]

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