May 20, 2011
How about I tell you that I spent less than 8 big smackers on the meal above. And that it was for two people (there was another bowl of soup and sandwich that didn’t make it to the plate). And that there was a gigantic loaf of freshly baked, no knead, no rise, salt-free bread left over. Now, what if I told you that I only bought 3 tomatoes, 2 carrots, and one beet at the store. And with the eggs, flour, and beer that I had at home, I was able to make this entire low sodium meal, soup […]
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January 19, 2011
As a low sodium eater, lunch is the most difficult meal of the day, especially when you are constantly on-the-go. Most people eat lunch out, during a busy work day or while ticking off a long list of errands. And for the salty population, there is a plethora of options to choose from: an overflowing turkey sandwich, a bowl of hot chicken soup, or even a slice (or two) of pizza ordered by the office. But for us, the salt-less crusaders, choices are slim: steamed white rice from the local chinese take-out, a create-your-own salad bar, or maybe the occasional […]
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