January 29, 2016
Happy 2016. And, well, also happy January to you, too. I know. It’s been weeks since I posted. And I have received some (wonderful!) emails from you concerned about my health. And of course, that I had stopped cooking. But the absolute opposite was true. I have been so focused on wellness and, YES, food, that I haven’t had a moment to write. And that’s because I’ve spent all of January tackling an anti-inflammation diet. One based on a hybrid of plans outlined in Whole30, Dr. Ann Myers The Autoimmune Solution, and Dr. Susan Blum’s The Immune System Recovery Plan. All finessed […]
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December 18, 2015
We are in the final weeks of holiday season, which means it is time to talk gifts. Last minute gifts. Little gifts. And in the case of today’s post, stocking gifts. Specifically, low-so good snacks that will not only stuff those big decorative socks, but more importantly, your stomach in times of hunger. There are also brownies made with black beans. But we’ll get to that. Even a year ago, finding low-sodium snacks was pretty darn impossible. There were a few brands of tortilla chips, potato chips, and rice crackers on the store shelves. As well as some granola mixes. But not much […]
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