
January 12, 2017

2017 Low-So Reboot

Happy 2017 dearest internet friends! With the new year, I’m entering my 34th year of life and my 13th year living with lupus and kidney disease. And while the past 365 days have had their ups and downs. And downs. And more downs. They also brought a renewed faith in food and its power to heal. See: 34 years old with the same stage 4 kidneys. Still kicking! As you may remember, last year, I welcomed January with a big anti-inflammation overhaul of my diet — no wheat or gluten, no eggs, no dairy, no sugar, no soy, no nightshade vegetables, NO […]

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July 13, 2016

Low-So Cabbage Shumai

I’ve thought a lot about this post. I’ve written it and rewritten about a dozen times in my head. I’ve questioned how much to share, how personal to get, how much to keep this post free from deep thoughts and politics. And I can promise that after today, things will return to their regularly scheduled food programming. But I want to risk something. The truth is, I’m white. I take Soul Cycle classes. I shop at farmers markets and Whole Foods. Although I’ve hit the glass ceiling a few times as a woman, I’m treated with respect and I’ve been raised to believe my […]

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