April 4, 2014
Today, we head to France. In first grade, I got to choose between Spanish or French classes. This was at a moment in my life where I had just learned to tie my own shoes and ride a bike. But was still totally dependent on my elders when it came to things like bathing, eating, and pretty much getting anywhere besides my front driveway. And it was at this exact moment, when I barely started to scratch the surface of big things to come, that I was given the great responsibility of choosing a foreign language. A choice that would […]
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July 21, 2011
Oh hi. Remember that garden I told you about a few months ago. The one that made my heart burst (in a good way)? That looked out to the gorgeous city skyline? That was a mere, dirt-filled twinkle in my eye? Yep, that’s the garden. Well, only a few months later, our little plot is full to the brim. With squash, eggplant, budding asparagus, walking stick kale, monsterous amounts of collard greens, a splash of herbs, and you guessed it, tons of rainbow chard. But a funny thing happened. Not funny haha, but funny as in we had maggots crawling […]
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