April 1, 2016
Happy April Fools Day, World! A time to practice extreme silliness and joy, and plan a prank or two. And, in my opinion, the perfect holiday to play a little (or a lot) with your food. Because really, everyday on a low-so diet (or any diet) is a “fool” day, in which one uses creativity and fun to trick those eyeballs and those tastebuds. And trust me, if I can make vegan, low-so, and gluten-free Twinkies a reality, seriously, anything is possible. So to inspire your own edible tom-foolery — today and everyday — check out some of my favorite ingredients swaps that expertly mimic favorite foods […]
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July 31, 2015
I’ll have to keep things rather short today as MY BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEKEND! And I’m off for “Best Woman” duties for the weekend. But if you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed a little confession yesterday: I’ve been doing something called The Whole 30 plan. Now, I’m no dieter and eating for me — especially eating a low-so diet –has always been about adding more to my life versus taking things away. But due to some recent Lupus flare ups and overall, just feeling a bit on the crappy side, I decided to look more […]
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