May 23, 2011
Hey. Congratulations. We all totally survived that whole “end of days” thing. What a load of hype. There wasn’t a single meteor, no invasion by aliens, and hardly a tremor. I think the rattling I felt was just a combination of the wind and the Muni passing by. Sometimes I do think it’s an earthquake. Don’t judge. The supposed Rapture sure didn’t. So, yeah, that whole apocalypse thing not happening was kind of a relief. Although we took full advantage of the buzz and hosted a party to celebrate. The theme: your last meal on earth. I made low sodium meatball […]
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February 2, 2011
Today’s Super Bowl post is dedicated to the one true reason (besides the gluttony of food) that I sit down and watch football games. Commercials. And to fully celebrate that truth, let’s begin with this simple video. Roll it, Budweiser. If you haven’t guessed it yet – and hey, it’s in the title – I’m paying homage to not only some of the greatest Super Bowl advertising, but one of the greatest bar food bites: wasabi snacks. Now, traditionally, these crunchy treats are made with peas and loads of sodium. But thanks to a suggestion from one of my food […]
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