Search: burger bowl

May 20, 2011

Pulp Fiction Fantasy Bread

How about I tell you that I spent less than 8 big smackers on the meal above. And that it was for two people (there was another bowl of soup and sandwich that didn’t make it to the plate). And that there was a gigantic loaf of freshly baked, no knead, no rise, salt-free bread left over. Now, what if I told you that I only bought 3 tomatoes, 2 carrots, and one beet at the store. And with the eggs, flour, and beer that I had at home, I was able to make this entire low sodium meal, soup […]

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March 11, 2011

Gimme A Beet – The Remix

Full disclosure. Today, we are going to embark on a hot topic. Something that often makes people uncomfortable and in some circles, may even be deemed controversial. Beets. Sigh. I said it. Those round, oddly-shaped little buggers that give many eaters – healthy, adventurous, curious, and beyond – major pause. They look strange. They seem like they’d be difficult to peel – if that is even how you are supposed to prepare them. And when it comes to actually cutting into the tubers, well you better prepare for a blood bath. Those suckers will happily dye everything around you a […]

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January 17, 2011

Fraiche Start

Nothing says “Happy Monday” like a spoonful of fresh crème fraiche sitting atop a crispy fried potato. Taste buds, start your engines. Thicker (and less sour) than sour cream but richer than mayonnaise, this cloud of dairy velvet is one of my favorite low sodium ingredients. You can find crème fraiche in most markets – from a Safeway to a French épicerie – and most brands have incredibly low sodium contents, landing somewhere around 10mg per tablespoon. It works as an exceptional substitute in recipes that call for saltier spreads and I love to use it in everything from egg salad sandwiches, to a […]

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August 20, 2010

The Evolution of a Low Sodium Cook

As the Lupus Foundation of America ushers in part 3 of my guest blog today, I did a little reminiscing. I can hardly believe that only a few years ago, I took my first stab at low sodium cooking with a simple stir fry. A few ripe vegetables, a quick chop, a sizzle of vegetable oil (as I had not yet discovered the power of toasted sesame), some slivers of organic chicken, and a few dashes of salt-free granulated garlic and cayenne, and I had a dinner that was fresh, springy, unfussy, and sodium free. It was minimal, but it […]

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April 26, 2010

A Call to Grate-Ness

Sometimes a recipe calls for garlic. But the prep demands that it is not diced, sliced, nor chopped, but…well…mushed.  I’m not sure what the technical term is for this action, but I’ve watched many chefs take chopped garlic, some rough sea salt, and with their knife, grind it into a fine pulp. It is a superb technique when you desire a dish to merely have an essence of garlic, rather than chunks of it. But clearly, even a sprinkle of sea salt is too much sodium for this Girl. And I’ve often wondered, is there another solution for pulping garlic besides […]

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March 1, 2010

Gimme A Beet

It is the end of February and that means San Francisco has had a few days of faux-spring weather, causing me to swap the soup ladle for the grill. While I love a good beef patty, there is something about the taste of a nutty veggie burger.  But the pre-made brands are skyrocketing with sodium and, although I have tried creating a chickpea patty of my own, the addition of breadcrumbs made it taste more like a falafel than a hamburger.  This isn’t a bad thing, just not the result I was looking for. So I wondered, what vegetable is […]

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February 8, 2010

Cooking with Kaz – The Preface

Last Friday night, I had an amazing low sodium cooking adventure where I learned to make a traditional, five-course, Japanese meal which included that beautiful ball of tofu sitting in a pond of orange beet puree that you see above.  But before we get into this multi-volume thriller, a quick spoiler alert.  This is a long post – actually, it will be broken into two posts – that is worth every minute of procrastination.  So to prepare for the reading road ahead, I suggest we get our blood pumping and begin this morning with a little interactive blogging. When I say […]

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February 4, 2010

Do It Yo'self

Tonight I’m heading to a fundraiser for Room to Read that is being hosted by Parties That Cook and Crushpad.  Wine, food, and doing good? Sounds like a perfect evening to me.  The big event of the night is a hands-on cooking class that will cover an asian-inspired menu: Curried Flatbread with Mango Currant Chutney Vegetable Curry Cups with Basmati Rice Peanut and Coconut Potstickers with Sweet Soy Dipping Sauce Coconut Blini with Cilantro Lime Creme Fraiche Indian-Spiced Lamb Burgers with Cucumber-Lemon Raita Lettuce Cups with Gingery Minced Pork Fiery Prawns with Mint-Jalapeno Chutney Chicken Skewers with Spicy Peanut Sauce […]

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