Search: burger

September 29, 2011

Cookbook Swap – Eat Good Food

Eat good food. Makes sense, right? But what  seems like a simple commandment (much easier than “eat without your hands”), turns out to be advice that, until recently, wasn’t readily followed. Sure, people have always eaten food that tasted good. We’re wired to do that. But that’s something entirely different. Grammatically and in practice. That’s enjoying a box of powdered doughnuts after eating a burger animal style at In N’ Out, which high school me is totally guilty of. That’s guzzling down a slushie on a really hot day. Or going through a bag of buttered popcorn before the movie actually […]

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July 11, 2011

Edamame Education: The Basics

A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak at the Bay Area Association of Kidney Patients. I met some amazing folks… said a few things (… and I even walked away with a nifty gifty basket of goodies from Trader Joes. Just polished of an entire bottle off salt-free balsamic vinegar. Thanks, Trader Giovinni! But beyond the chit chat and tchotchkes, I also left with some brand new ideas for low-sodium recipes. Because when I posed the innocent question, “what foods do you miss most,” these go-getters sure didn’t hold back. First, there was the tomato-less ketchup conundrum that, […]

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May 20, 2011

Pulp Fiction Fantasy Bread

How about I tell you that I spent less than 8 big smackers on the meal above. And that it was for two people (there was another bowl of soup and sandwich that didn’t make it to the plate). And that there was a gigantic loaf of freshly baked, no knead, no rise, salt-free bread left over. Now, what if I told you that I only bought 3 tomatoes, 2 carrots, and one beet at the store. And with the eggs, flour, and beer that I had at home, I was able to make this entire low sodium meal, soup […]

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May 16, 2011

Can't Believe It's Not Mayo

People have phobias. Weird ones. I have a few and I’m sure you have some too. I think it is just a part of life and those quirky qualities that make us so adorable. At least that’s what I tell myself. I for one hate ants. Okay, hate is kind of a strong word and now I’m feeling a bit guilty saying I hate ants because I’m sure, in the whole Lion King circle of life situation, they do fulfill some important (maybe even cute) purpose. Like hauling small twigs to their mounds or drinking dew drops from a lily […]

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March 11, 2011

Gimme A Beet – The Remix

Full disclosure. Today, we are going to embark on a hot topic. Something that often makes people uncomfortable and in some circles, may even be deemed controversial. Beets. Sigh. I said it. Those round, oddly-shaped little buggers that give many eaters – healthy, adventurous, curious, and beyond – major pause. They look strange. They seem like they’d be difficult to peel – if that is even how you are supposed to prepare them. And when it comes to actually cutting into the tubers, well you better prepare for a blood bath. Those suckers will happily dye everything around you a […]

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January 17, 2011

Fraiche Start

Nothing says “Happy Monday” like a spoonful of fresh crème fraiche sitting atop a crispy fried potato. Taste buds, start your engines. Thicker (and less sour) than sour cream but richer than mayonnaise, this cloud of dairy velvet is one of my favorite low sodium ingredients. You can find crème fraiche in most markets – from a Safeway to a French épicerie – and most brands have incredibly low sodium contents, landing somewhere around 10mg per tablespoon. It works as an exceptional substitute in recipes that call for saltier spreads and I love to use it in everything from egg salad sandwiches, to a […]

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October 27, 2010

Salt-Free My Recipe: Mama's Enchiladas

A few weeks ago, I received the following, lovely letter from Sodium Girl reader Cindra Fox: Dear Sodium Girl, I’m on a low-sodium diet to prevent complications from migraines. I’ve been on it for over a year now and have found a whole new world of food and flavor that I ignored back when I could just grab a burger at the closest drive-through. What I miss the most, though, is Mom’s famous enchiladas. I’m half-Mexican and we would make these at least once a week. Now it’s been over a year since I’ve had them. But here’s the catch: […]

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August 25, 2010

Buy Me Some Peanut and Cracker Jacks

Hot dogs, burgers, and garlic fries – these were the treats that lured me to stadium seats when I was younger. I longed for the glutinous, processed, and salty flavors of ballpark fare and as such, I happily accompanied my father to any game that was accompanied by ketchup and squirt bottle of nacho “cheese.” My affair with these lip-smacking snacks, however, did not last forever. When my kidneys quit seven years ago, so did my fast-food addiction. But my love for a sports outing on a sunny (or recently, foggy) day? That remained strong. It was easy for me […]

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August 20, 2010

The Evolution of a Low Sodium Cook

As the Lupus Foundation of America ushers in part 3 of my guest blog today, I did a little reminiscing. I can hardly believe that only a few years ago, I took my first stab at low sodium cooking with a simple stir fry. A few ripe vegetables, a quick chop, a sizzle of vegetable oil (as I had not yet discovered the power of toasted sesame), some slivers of organic chicken, and a few dashes of salt-free granulated garlic and cayenne, and I had a dinner that was fresh, springy, unfussy, and sodium free. It was minimal, but it […]

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April 26, 2010

A Call to Grate-Ness

Sometimes a recipe calls for garlic. But the prep demands that it is not diced, sliced, nor chopped, but…well…mushed.  I’m not sure what the technical term is for this action, but I’ve watched many chefs take chopped garlic, some rough sea salt, and with their knife, grind it into a fine pulp. It is a superb technique when you desire a dish to merely have an essence of garlic, rather than chunks of it. But clearly, even a sprinkle of sea salt is too much sodium for this Girl. And I’ve often wondered, is there another solution for pulping garlic besides […]

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